UBC K.I.D.S. stands for 4 important things:

  1. We want children to KNOW who God is and that he loves them.

  2. We want children to be INSPIRED to love God back through healthy and positive relationships with their teachers.

  3. We want children to be DISCIPLED in healthy and exciting ways to love the people around us.

  4. We want children to SERVE those around them. This models what we are taught in the Bible.

Our programming will focus on those 4 critical parts of Christian development. This will be done in such a way the provides safety and clarity as our children grow.

UBC K.I.D.S. Sunday Morning

Ages 3-5 and

Grades K- 5

We might be small but that doesn’t mean that we are not mighty! We offer a 3 part promise to both our parents and to UBC K.I.D.S.

  1. Children will be safe while in our program

  2. We will offer fun and clear teaching to our UBC K.I.D.S.

  3. Your children will talk your ear off about “what they learned”.

Please sign in as you arrive.

UBC KidsZone


6:30pm to 8:00pm

Grades 1- 12

We can’t wait to see you on Tuesday nights! Watch for our “Open House” when the whole family is invited to join in!

Registration will be at the door.