Ratio Christi
A Partner in Ministry of Uplands Baptist Church
Partnership at Uplands Baptist
We at Uplands Baptist Church believe in this ministry and have decided to include Cody and Ratio Christi as official partners in ministry. We are partnering with this ministry in three ways:
1) Financial Giving
2) Providing Space
3) Prayer.
Cody is building a team of Gospel Partners to help him carry out his ministry through pray, giving, and spreading the word. We believe this to be a vital ministry for all people and would encourage you to prayerfully consider partnering with Cody in this kingdom-building work. If you would like to support Cody in this endeavour please follow this link to do so.
One of the ways our partnership works is that Cody will host/lead ministries in partnership with Uplands Baptist Church.
Additional Ministry of Ratio Christi Canada
Speaking/preaching engagements
Campus discussion groups
Bible studies
For a list of upcoming events please follow this link.
Ratio Christi
is a ministry wholly dedicated to proclaiming and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ to young people and equipping the rest of the Church to do the same.
Cody Guitard, the National Coordinator for Ratio Christi Canada and Chapter Director for Ratio Christi for Crandall University, is a partner in mission with Uplands Baptist Church.
For more information about Ratio Christi Canada and its ministries, visit ratiochristi.ca.
To contact Cody directly you can email him here.
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