We are so excited to launch this brand new ministry in our community this summer!

 Full week camps will be $100 per child and will run from 9am-4pm Monday to Friday. We will be offering an Early Drop off (starting 8am) and Late Pick up (until 5pm) options this year at a cost of $2.50/hour per day, which must be paid before the week of camp.

Please make sure we have a valid email on file that you check regularly! This is the easiest and most effective way for us to communicate with all our parents/guardians during the summer.

Due to the limited number of children we can register for camp, we will have deadlines in place for payment of our camps to ensure as many campers can attend as possible. You can make your payments by e-transfer to PLEASE ensure you note Summer Camp in the memo section (if required, please make the password daycamp) or you can come into the church during office hours to pay by cheque or cash.

Questions? Concerns? Need Assistance? Email us at:

Our camps will be filled with fun and exciting activities with no two days being the same! During our VBS Camp we will spend the morning singing, learning, and creating around our Bible theme of the week. The afternoons will be filled with activities of your child’s choice. Our “Create Your Own Camps” will offer your child(ren) the opportunity to customize their day to join in their favorite activities and sports alongside their friends. Every day can be a different adventure! Love water fun? Love crafts? Love sports? Love music? We have something for everyone!


  • Week #1 - July 4th to 8th (VBS Camp) 9am-4pm*

  • Week #2 - July 18th to 22nd (Create Your Own Camp) 9am-4pm*

  • Week #3 - August 8th to 12th (Create Your Own Camp) 9am-4pm*

**8am Early Drop off and 5pm Late Pick Up available at a cost of $2.50/hour per day.